

© 2024 Fecina Ltd.
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品牌中充滿爺爺對孫子疼愛的溫暖。品牌精神為生生不息的意義與傳承職人精神的態度,木成林,林成森。整體以三個木做發想,將木的外型融合葉片及葉脈 葉脈代表品牌精神脈絡的傳承,三片葉子排列成「森」,整體呈現日式質感,並搭配圓弧狀的英文及對稱的品牌標標準字。


The brand is full of the warmth of a grandfather’s love for his grandson. The brand spirit is the meaning of endless life and the attitude of inheriting the spirit of craftsmen. The trees become the forest and the forest becomes the forest. The whole design is based on the idea of ​​three trees. The shape of the wood is integrated with the leaves and veins. The veins represent the inheritance of the brand's spiritual context. The three leaves are arranged into a "forest", which presents a Japanese texture as a whole, and is matched with arc-shaped English and symmetrical words. The brand mark standard word.